原和成五金有限公司 (HO CHENG .Corp)創立於1981 年,為中部少數同時提供工業油品與工業五金之專業經銷商,客戶含括: 金屬加工、航太、研磨鍛造、紡織、電子等各產業。近年,因應產業動向,我們強化金屬切削服務項目,提供客戶合適之切削刀具與檢測量具,並擴增加大與特殊規格之絲攻、鑽頭、銑刀與環栓規現貨,以及金屬加工所需油品、刀具、量具專業諮詢服務,協助客戶爭取時效,降低成本。迄今35 年載,和成將持續秉持兢業的態度,提供產業優良的產品與專業服務,一同攜手並進。
HO CHENG .Corp, Established 1981 , is the leading supplier for Industrial Lubrications、Metal working tools and Gauging tools in middle of Taiwan, The main customers spread in Metalworking、Aerospace、Forge、Textile and Electronics Industry. Recently years, we extend our business model which not just only providing custom made order for all items, but also providing metalworking Consulting, assisting our customers to reduce cost and producing time. Next 30 years, HO CHENG .Corp will keeping cautious step toward best supplier in Taiwan and South East Asia.